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Adding A Printer Via Terminator


If you would like to add a printer to your computer, please use the following steps:


    1. Click on the "Start" button. It is located on the bottom left corner.
    2. Then click on "Run"

For Windows 7 (Blue ORB)

Hit the Windows and the R key Together:

  1. Type in the run box: \\terminator
  2. Find the printer you want to use. For example: "BHS-A304-IR6075"
  3. Double click on the icon for your printer
  4. Click "YES" at the message, and it will be installed. It may take a few seconds.
  5. Then go to "Start" button.
  6. "Devices Printers"

Find the printer that you selected in step 4 (see picture below) right click it and click "Set as default printer".

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Article details
Article ID: 1
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2012-10-18 09:38:18
Views: 2702
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (39)

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