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BHS Problems with PDF, view, save, convert, etc....


To all within Burlington Highschool, and a few others who have Adobe CS-6 installed on their systems.

Adobe CS-5 had a serial lisence that was assigned to the systems.  Last year, there was some slight trouble with the program that required a fix from the IT side.  As Adobe has decided to switch to cloud based registration/lisencing system, Many of the systems with CS-6, even if licensed within our images, have some issues.

The fix for this is to be performed by the individual users.  This works for both students and teachers and allows CS-6 to operate properly.

To fix this issue for your systems, please go to:


Double click the file named adobeRunMe.bat

It will give a black pop-up on the screen.  Once it's complete, the black window will go away.  After this, your Adobe CS-6 Software should be lisenced.

Thank you,

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Article details
Article ID: 12
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2013-12-12 07:22:34
Views: 2600
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (35)

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