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Photon EDU


Photon EDU App

1. Registering the App

2. Using Photon EDU (for SMI / SRI)

3. Troubleshooting (for SRI / SMI and general use)

4. More tips to access other web sites

1. When the app download is complete, open Photon EDU on your ipad

Open a new tab (by tapping + in the right top corner)

tap "enter here" (it’s written in script in the middle of the page)

Fill in the boxes with the following info:

a. Register Photon EDU to the iPad number, and the year. This information is available in on the Startup Screen (where you swipe to gain access to the iPad). ie BHSiPad2013-238

b. Site Licence Key: Contact tech support

c. Pass Key: Contact tech support

d. Enter - you will see a highlighted message: "You have successfully entered the the site id and passkey"

Close the Photon EDU App.

Open it again. If it opens to any web site, close each tab until you see this screen:

Seeing this screen means Photon EDU is properly registered on this iPad.

Once the Photon EDU app is properly registered in the iPad it does not need to be registered again.

Opening SRI and SMI:

You now have access, if you need it, to take an SRI and SMI test on the iPad. For a shortcut to these tests, open Photon EDU, click on the + button, and locate the the icons at the bottom of the page. Select “”. We know, it’s a strange icon name. We’re working with Photon to change the shortcut icon.

2. Using Photon EDU

Think of Photon EDU as a web browser. Click on the + button (upper right corner) to open a new tab.

2a. If you see a “Get ADOBE Flash Player” icon or “Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This requires the Adobe Flash Player. Get Flash”, just click on the lighting bolt (upper right) to activate the flash controls. If any other pages you visit give you flash errors, just click on the lightning bolt to activate flash.

You’ll see icons for SRI (blue) on the lower left, and SMI (purple) on the lower right.

To access Flash Controls and the Keyboard:

3. Troubleshooting Photon EDU

We've identified a number of fixes to try that will help you using Photon EDU.

a. Popup blocker error

Here's how you this the 'Blocked Error'

b. Adjust the bandwidth that Photon EDU uses: Especially helpful for SRI and SMI testing

4. Using Photon EDU on other web sites

If pages are slow, try moving bandwidth back up using the steps in step b above.

Other sites like are blocked by BSD. If you find a site you’d like to open, please submit atech request. When the ticket is resolved then test it on your ipad.

Please let me us know if you have any other difficulties.

IT Department


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Article details
Article ID: 9
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2013-09-24 05:46:34
Views: 5160
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (40)

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